Cabinets Door to Door

We understand that designing your kitchen is a significant step in your renovation journey, and we aim to make this process as seamless as possible. Here’s how you can initiate your free kitchen design consultation with us.

Provide Your Measurements

If you already have your space measured out, you can submit your architectural plan, CAD model, or any previous design plans directly through our website or by emailing them to [email protected]. If you need help with measuring your space, we’ve got you covered. Simply download our easy-to-use design form, which guides you through all the necessary steps to accurately capture the dimensions of your kitchen.

Download Measuring Guide

Get Matched With A Designer

After you submit your measurements, you won’t have to wait long! Within just 1-2 business days, we’ll pair you with a professional designer suited to your specific needs. Your designer will guide you through the entire process, understanding your vision, and discussing any further specifics needed before diving into the design work. You’ll have the option of a live online consultation where you can see your designs come to life.

Receive Your First Design Draft

Within approximately 2 business days, you’ll receive the first draft of your kitchen design. This isn’t just any sketch – we present you with a 3D design, giving you an immersive view that includes both overhead and perspective angles, providing a real feel for what your finished kitchen will look like. Accompanying your design visuals, you’ll also receive a transparent quote, giving you a clear idea of the budget.

Collaborate on Your Design

Your vision is paramount, and it’s likely you’ll want tweaks made to the initial design. Working with your dedicated designer, you can request revisions to ensure every detail aligns with what you’ve imagined. Revision periods are efficient, taking an average of 1-3 business days.

Purchase With Confidence

Once every spoon, pot, and pan has its place, and you’re satisfied with the final design and quote, the purchasing process is straightforward. You can finalize your purchase online or coordinate directly with your designer. Our cabinet lines’ shipping times vary, so refer to individual listings for accurate estimates.

Throughout this process, remember that this service is fully customized to suit your preferences and requirements, and there is absolutely no obligation to make a purchase. Our goal is to design a kitchen that you love, within a budget that feels comfortable. Our design representatives are available for on-call consultations from Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 5 pm EST, ready to answer any queries you might have during these hours.

Kitchen Design Form